Dalya Bilu

Dalya Bilu is the leading translator of Hebrew literature into English. Among her many celebrated and award-winning translations are Aharon Appelfeld, The Age of Wonders and Badenheim 1939; Orly Castel-Bloom, Dolly City; Yehudit Hendel, Small Change; Shifra Horn, Four Mothers; Judith Katzir, Dearest Anne: A Tale of Impossible Love; Yehoshua Kenaz, After the Holidays and Infiltration; Yeshayahu Koren, Funeral at Noon; Nathan Shaham, Rosendort Quartet; Zeruya Shalev, Husband and Wife and Love Life; Joshua Sobol, Cut Throat Dog; David Vogel, Married Life; and the collection Six Israeli Novellas. Dayla visited UIUC's campus for two weeks in the Spring of 2010 through the Israel Studies Project. 



8:00 pm – Public Lecture - “Women’s Writing in Israel,” Levis Faculty Center


4:00 pm – Jewish Studies Workshop - “Past Continuous by Yaakov Shabtai”, English Building, Room 109


7:00 pm – Visit to Hillel (“Translating Hebrew Literature” – Six Israeli Novellas)


5:00 pm – Conversation between Dalya and Eshkol Nevo, moderated by Rachel (Chicago Cultural Center)