All gifts to the fund support academic efforts supporting the Central Illinois Jewish Community Archives, including oral history collection project.
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All gifts to this fund support everything we do from inviting speakers to screening film series. Your ongoing support is crucial for the success of the program!
We have set this up in order to have funds available for an event each year in commemoration of the Armenian Genocide. In past years we have fundraised from the ground up for events such as the Spaces of Remembering the Armenian Genocide Conference. The Holocaust, Genocide, Memory Studies Initiative is committed to offering an event each April, on or near Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day.
All gifts to this fund support HGMS activities such as the annual graduate student conference that allows students from diverse departments to exchange ideas; the HGMS faculty series that offers presentations on the Holocaust, Rwanda, Cambodia, the Armenian Genocide, and other global events; the Future of Trauma and Memory Studies reading group; and the HGMS blog, Days and Memory.
Gifts to the Fund support the teaching of Hebrew at the University of Illinois, a function that the Program provides to campus.
All gifts to the fund support academic efforts supporting the Central Illinois Jewish Community Archives, including oral history collection project.