Students, faculty, and community members in Urbana-Champaign and in the Chicago suburbs had the chance to learn more about 10-12C. Jewish communities when we hosted Professor Jennifer Grayson earlier this week (March 1-2, 2020). Dr. Grayson serves as Rabbi Aaron D. Panken Assistant Professor of History at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and as Assistant Professor of History at Xavier University in Cincinnati. She spoke at Temple Jeremiah (Northfield, IL), Illini Hillel, and at the Bruce Nesbitt African American Cultural Center (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign). The over 80 people who attended learned more about the daily lives and social dynamics in the Medieval Middle Eastern Jewish world. We are grateful to Professor Grayson for sharing her work, to all of the wonderful sponsors, co-sponsors, and partners who made the visit possible, and to everyone who came out and helped make the visit such a success.
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