Sayed Kashua

SayedSayed Kashua is a singular presence on Israel’s cultural landscape. One of the country’s foremost writers and intellectuals and the of author of four stellar novels – Dancing Arabs (2002), Let It Be Morning (2006), Second Person Singular (2010), Track Changes (2017), all of them translated into English – he is also the creator of some of Israel’s most popular sitcoms, the brilliantly satirical Arab Labor and then The Writer.  Kashua’s greatest renown (especially in the US), however, derives from his celebrated weekly column in Ha’aretz. Its humorous tone has taken on a dark edge in light of the recent tragedies. Kashua was at the University of Illinois first through the Israel Studies Project and then as a Visiting Clinical Professor from 2014-2018. 

Watch the video of An Evening With Sayed here.