The Yiddish Gospel of Matthew

Naomi Seidman, Jewish Theological Union & University of California at Berkeley

Naomi is one of the most innovative and influential scholars in Jewish Studies. A professor of Jewish Culture at the Graduate Theological Union and faculty member of Jewish Studies at the University of California at Berkeley, she specializes in Yiddish, modern Hebrew literature and the Midrashic imagination, feminist and literary theory, and their applicability to literary analysis. Seidman is the author of A Marriage Made in Heaven: The Sexual Politics of Hebrew and Yiddish (1997) and the translator of Conversations With Dvora by Amia Lieblich (1997) and The First Day and Other Stories by Dvorah Baron (2001). In this lecture, Seidman will explore a surprising set of texts: the Yiddish translations of the New Testament.

Location: Levis Faculty Center, Music Room

Date: 9/8/2009, 7:30 pm

Video of lecture here.

Jewish Studies workshop - "Secularization and Sexuality: The Rise of Modern Jewish Literature and the Erotic Transformation of Ashkenaz"

Location: English 109

Date: 9/8/2009, 4 pm