The following courses are pre-approved for the Jewish Studies major and minor. (400- and 500-level courses listed here may be used towards the completion of the Jewish Studies graduate certificate.)
The following courses may also be submitted for approval. (A syllabus must be submitted to process the request):
AFRO 597 Critical Border Studies
AFRO 597 Race, Rights and Power
AIS 501 Indigenous Critical Theory
ARTH 540 Seminar in Art 1750 to 1900
ANTH 268 Images of the Other
ARAB 150 Lang&Culture of Arab World
CLVC 133 Archaeology of Israel
CLCV 231 Development of Ancient Cities
CMN 232 Intro to Intercultural Comm
CWL 202 Literature and Ideas
CWL 581 Seminar Lit Themes
GER 201 German Popular Culture
GER 261 The Holocaust in Context
GLBL 392 Int Diplomacy and Negotiation
MUS 523 Seminar in Musicology
PS 201 US Racial & Ethnic Politics
REL 110 World Religions
REL 214 Introduction to Islam
REL 223 The Qur'an (Koran)
REL 403 Women in Muslim Societies
REL 511 Seminar in Study of Religion
SOC 225 Race and Ethnicity
SOCW 300 Diversity: Identities & Issues